Emergency (Police/Fire, etc): 911
Police: Non-emergency: 703-558-2222
Animal Control (Arlington county): 703-931-9241
Washington Gas: 703-750-1400
Disposing of Unwanted Medications: https://recycling.arlingtonva.us/household-hazmat/unwanted-medications/
Laundry Services:
Scheffres Laundry Service - www.scheffreslaundry.com
Tel: 301-565-4940; email: [email protected]
Pest Control:
Owl Pest Prevention - tel: 1-800-229-1056; 301-773-0400
Fax: 301-386-4455; email: [email protected]
(Schedule of visits and reservations posted in Mail Room)
Towing Company:
Advance Towing Company, LLC – Tel: 703-525-0550