HVAC Pipe Project: now completed.
Pool Season: After some cool/rainy days, looks like summer is here! The pool will open on Saturday May 27, 2017 at 11:00. Hours are from 11:00am to 8:00pm, Saturdays/Sundays/holidays and 2:00pm to 8:00pm Mondays through Fridays. Everyone must show their pool pass, and sign the log book. Guests MUST be accompanied by a resident. Pool rules are to be observed at all times. Bathrooms Pipes Snaking: Eddies Plumbing was on site on May 16, 2017. They observed a lot of clogging and recommend NOT to discard dental floss, feminine products and the like down the drains. Check out the household tips (under useful information) to keep drains clean on a regular basis. Security: It is everyone's responsibility to keep the community safe. Do not allow anyone you do not know to enter the building behind you. Meet delivery personnel, contractors, etc. in the lobby or loading dock. Call Box/Mailing list: Send an email to [email protected] to have your name/phone # programmed into the call box. Expected visitors can contact you to gain entry to the building. In order to receive communications from the Association, consider subscribing to the mailing lists by completing the contact form on the website. The above information IS NOT shared. New Parking Tags: Further to emails sent out, new parking tags have been mailed to unit owners and will become effective on July 1, 2017. Vehicles not displaying the new tags by that date will be towed at owner's expense. Tenants are encouraged to contact their landlord to obtain the tags. The Association isNOT responsible for delays in the displaying of tags by June 30, 2017 and towing will be enforced. Cleaning/Maintenance Change: For budgetary purposes, the Board decided to combine the cleaning and maintenance duties. Effective June 1, 2017, AKCS will provide one full-time person to fulfill this position. Evelyn and Dan will no longer service our building. VZ/FIOS: It looks like something is happening! Technicians have been on site to thread the optic cables on all floors and we are awaiting for another team to place the terminals. Stay tuned... Personal Lock boxes in loading dock: When a unit is for sale or rent, a lock box may be placed on the bar in the loading dock. It has to be identified with the Realtor's information AND the unit number. Owners/renters are reminded that NO personal lock box (for guests or dog walkers, etc.) is to be placed there. An unidentified lock box not associated with a unit sale/rent will be cut off. Comments are closed.